За сваки килограм тежине: бар служи бесплатно пиће дамама

An unusual action was organized by the Fusion Club ball in Dubai – they offer ladies drinks absolutely free of charge and according to a very interesting principle.

The number of drinks depends on How long the fair sex weighs. So, for every kilogram of her weight, a woman receives 1 Emirati dirham (1 US dollar is equal to 3,67 dirhams).

Thus, the more a woman weighs, the more money and free drinks she can get for them. Customers can either weigh themselves on a scale at the entrance to the bar, or write down their weight on a piece of paper and hand it over to the bartender.

Moreover, the institution insists that it completely trusts the visitors and does not insist on checking the weight on the scales. This promotion at Fusion Club applies to the entire range of drinks.


Recall that earlier we told which of the zodiac signs will order which drink at the bar, as well as which 8 drinks from different countries are definitely worth trying. 

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