Тежак логички квиз у медицини. 12 поена за добијање. Колико ћеш се снаћи?

We present another test of knowledge in the field of medicine. However, this time the questions are formulated in a not very obvious, sometimes very twisted way. 12 points to get. How many of them will you be able to pick up? Check!

данас «,» ПОЛЛ_ФИНИСХ_ОНЕ_ДАИ »:» Анкета се завршава за [0] дан«,» ПОЛЛ_ФИНИСХ_МОРЕ_ДАИС »:» Сонда се завршава у [0] дана«,» ФИЛЛ_АЛЛ_АНСВЕРС »:» Попуните одговоре на сва питања да бисте видели резултат »,» КУИЗ_МИССИНГ »:» Још увек недостаје »,» КУИЗ_АНСВЕР »:» одговори »,» СЛЕДЕЋЕ_ПИТАЊЕ »:» Следеће питање »,» ВРОНГ_АНСВЕР » :» Погрешно »,» ГООД_АНСВЕР »:» Добро! »,» ИОУР_ПОИНТС »:» Успели сте да добијете: [0] од [1] поена »,» МОЈ_РЕСУЛТ »:» Мој резултат је: «,» КВИЗ »:» Квизови » , »ПРОВЕРИ СЕ»: »Провери како иде:«, »ЦХЕЦК_ИОУРСЕЛФ_2»: »Проверите шта излази:«, »МИ_РЕСУЛТ_ЦХЕЦК_ИОУРСЕЛФ»: »Мој резултат је: [0]. Проверите сами. »,» РЕЗУЛТАТ »:» [0] са [1] поена »,» НАЗАД_ТО_ВРХ »:» Попуни одозго »,» ПОНОВНО »:» Попуни поново »,» СТАРТ_ПОНОВНО »:» Почни поново », »ТАКОЂЕ_ПРЕПОРУЧУЈЕ» : »Такође препоручујемо», »ФОТО»: »Фотографија»} »>

Put it in the correct order

esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
throat, duodenum, stomach, small intestine
esophagus, stomach, liver, large intestine
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine. Следеће питање
These are other elements of the digestive system. The liver does not belong to it, and the duodenum is behind the stomach, not in front of it.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

Making non-rhythmic, unconscious and awkward movements this

атетоза Следеће питање
Athetosis is a disorder that consists of involuntary movements of the limbs. It accompanies various neurological diseases. Apraxia is the loss of speech, and apraxia is the inability or difficulty to perform what we know when instructed.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

The sclera is as to the vitreous as the cerebral cortex is to

предњи мозак
дура матер
предњи мозак Следеће питање
The sclera is the outer part of the eyeball, the vitreous body is the inner part. In the case of the brain, the cortex is the outer part of the brain and the inner part of the brain.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

If adrenaline is the adrenal glands, then insulin is

панкреас Следеће питање
Adrenaline and insulin are hormones produced by the cortex of the adrenal gland and the pancreas (pictured), respectively.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

A certain part of the human digestive system may associate with

the apostles
the apostles Следеће питање
It is about the duodenum (the name comes from its length, in a human being equal to the width of 12 fingers). There were 12 apostles, seven samurai and three famous kings.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

Which name does not match the others

basedow Следеће питање
Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are both neurodegenerative disorders. Graves’ disease affects the thyroid gland.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

Which word suits these two: sushi, drums

дебело црево
дванаестопалачног црева
дебело црево Следеће питање
In this case, the common denominator of sushi, drums, and colon are chopsticks. Colon bacilli are bacteria that are part of the intestinal flora.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

If we subtract the thoracic vertebrae from the cervical vertebrae, they will come out

fingers of one hand
fingers of one hand Следеће питање
There are 12 thoracic vertebrae, and seven cervical vertebrae. So the difference is five, which is the number of fingers in a hand.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

What can we find in the eye?

тимски спорт
Музички инструмент
circular vessel
тимски спорт Следеће питање
The retina is part of the eye, the most important part of this organ. It is a transparent membrane with receptors that receive light pulses. The trumpet and pelvis are located elsewhere in the human body.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

You can pass it and also swim across it. It is about

мале богиње
мале богиње Следеће питање
The Odra River can be crossed, the measles disease can be passed. Wieprza is only a river, fever is a tropical disease (there is no river with such a name).
Фото: Гетти Имагес

Which condition does not exist?

Wermer’s syndrome
Werner’s syndrome
Werther syndrome
Werther syndrome Следеће питање
The Werther effect is not a disease but a psychological phenomenon. This is a significant increase in suicides due to the media coverage of a famous person’s suicide. Werner syndrome is one of the diseases that are progeria, or premature aging syndrome. Werner syndrome is one form of the multiple neoplasms of the endocrine glands.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк

Our Country is to the Vatican as a femur to

стапес Следеће питање
Our Country is (in terms of area) the largest country in the world, the Vatican – the smallest. The same applies to human bones, the thigh is the largest, and the stirrup in the ear is the smallest.
Фото: Схуттерстоцк
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