Вегетаријанство за децу: предности и недостаци »

In recent years, vegetarianism has ceased to be just a diet. This is a way of life with its own rules and attitude to the world, almost a separate religion. It is not surprising that many mothers strive to teach their beloved children to vegetarianism literally from the cradle. What are the benefits of vegetarianism? And what dangers does it hide? 

Use in its purest form

Вегетарианство для детей: «за» и «против»

The basis of vegetarian food, as you know, is food of plant origin. It is unlikely that anyone will doubt the benefits of fresh vegetables, fruits or berries. After all, these are natural sources of vitamins and trace elements that are vital for a growing body. Among other things, they are rich in fiber, thanks to which the work of the stomach and intestines is normalized, and nutrients are better absorbed. On average, a normal child consumes no more than 30-40 g of fiber per day, while the norm of a vegetarian child is at least doubled.

Vegetarians carefully avoid canned foods with a set of food additives. Thus, they protect themselves, and at the same time children, from the consumption of suspicious food with flavor enhancers, aroma and other “chemicals”. However, quite harmless additives, such as rennet, gelatin or albumin, are also banned, since they are all of animal origin. 

In vegetarian families, even the products for the duty snacks are scrupulously selected. Omnivorous parents indulge their offspring with chocolate bars, sweets, cakes, ice cream and other not too useful sweets. Vegetarians allow children to eat only dried fruits, fresh fruits or berries. From the point of view of a healthy diet, this is the best choice possible. Such sweets contain useful fructose, the abuse of which will not lead to excess weight, tooth decay and other problems.

Under the watchful control of vegetarian parents are not only the products themselves, but also the technology of their preparation. Most of their diet consists of products that are not subjected to heat treatment at all, which means that they retain all their useful properties in full. If we are talking about complex recipes, then vegetarians prefer stewing, baking or cooking to frying. Undoubtedly, all this is only good for the child’s body.

The main advantage of vegetarianism for children, according to its ardent adherents – is a clean and strong stomach, which is kept in perfect condition from birth to adulthood. And a healthy stomach is the key to a healthy and happy child. 

The reverse side of the coin

Вегетарианство для детей: «за» и «против»

At the same time, children’s vegetarianism has many disadvantages that should be carefully studied by those who want to introduce a child to such a lifestyle. First of all, it is important to remember that the child’s body has its own needs, different from the adult. In addition, it is much more painful to tolerate the lack of necessary nutrients. If you do not detect a deficiency of any substance in time, this can lead to serious health problems.

The opinion that absolutely any product of animal origin can be replaced with a plant analogue is erroneous. First of all, this applies to animal protein with its unique composition of essential amino acids, which are not found in vegetable protein. Many B vitamins can also be found only in animal products. Meanwhile, a lack of vitamin B2 leads to metabolic disorders, and B12 – to the development of anemia. Thanks to the vitamins of this group, the brain is saturated with oxygen and receives the necessary substances. If this function is disrupted, brain cells die and recover worse. In addition, meat is the main source of iron, and it is a key participant in the process of hematopoiesis. The absence of this trace element reduces the level of hemoglobin and deals a devastating blow to the child’s immune system. Hence, frequent colds, a feeling of lethargy and malaise, a painful tired appearance.

It is noted that many vegetarians lack vitamin A. For children, it is especially important, since it has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. A serious threat is also the low level of vitamin D, which is involved in the formation of bones and teeth.  If it is not enough, the child may develop scoliosis and other spinal disorders. In the most advanced cases, this is fraught with rickets.

Often vegetarians cultivate the opinion that their children grow up more developed, strong and hardy, and in intellectual abilities they are many times superior to their omnivorous peers. Scientific evidence for these facts has not yet been found, so they remain in the category of myths. Moreover, doctors indicate that vegetarian children have a lack of body weight, reduced activity and poor resistance to various diseases. 

Вегетарианство для детей: «за» и «против»

In any case, the health of children is in the hands of their parents. Choosing the optimal nutrition system for them should be guided not only by good intentions, but also by common sense, supported by the advice of a good doctor.

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