Natural antidepressants – what are they and where to find them?
Природни антидепресиви – шта су и где их пронаћи?

There is no doubt that for many people the best antidepressant is food that improves mood. This is of course true. Often, in moments of emotional instability, we reach for sweets, and it has already become a common belief that chocolate is the best antidepressant. However, sweets are a good solution only for a moment, because unhealthy simple sugars bring more harm than good to our body. Natural antidepressants are a much better solution.

Natural antidepressants are mainly those products that provide the body with carbohydrates necessary for proper functioning, but do not cause rapid changes in blood sugar levels. It is these fluctuations that cause frequent, unfavorable mood swings.

First, healthy sweets

First of all, it is worth paying attention to products that contain the sweetness we love, but in the form of healthy sugars. There are many natural substitutes for refined white sugar (called the “white killer”). Healthy sweetness can be found in natural sweeteners such as:

  • honey, which is also a source of many minerals;
  • maple syrup (well known by Canadians);
  • grain malts, e.g. rice, barley;
  • birch sugar xylitol;
  • agave syrup, a sweet source of natural probiotics;
  • date syrup with a high content of vitamins;
  • stevia – a plant up to 300 times sweeter than white sugar;
  • liquorice based on licorice root extract;
  • cane, beet or carob molasses.

When we are down, it is worth reaching for products that are sweet and can cause the secretion of endorphins (the so-called “happiness hormone”), just like the well-known chocolate, but without the side effects of eating sugars in an unhealthy form. The above-mentioned natural antidepressants are a great – and above all completely healthy – variety for a body craving for sweets.

Secondly, the sun

Natural antidepressants are all around us, and one of them is the sun. Studies show that during the holiday season, when there is much more sun, the level of enkephalins (peptides acting similar to endorphins, having additional pain-reducing properties) increases. These substances contribute to a large extent to the improvement of well-being. However, a higher level of enkephalins is not all that we gain with the rays of the sun. More frequent sunbathing is a natural antidepressant that supports the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of vitamin D in the skin.

Thirdly, unsaturated fatty acids

People diagnosed with depression suffer from reduced levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body. So it is worth taking care of more fish in your diet. There is a reason for people who eat more fish and seafood – for example, among the inhabitants of Japan – there are much fewer cases of depression. Fresh fish, which should be eaten 2-3 times a week, is rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

It is worth remembering that depression is a disease that should not be underestimated. Ensuring the right amount of vitamins, microelements and the correct level of hormones in the body and blood sugar is the best prevention.

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