
Among the authors of the collection are Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh and Elizaveta Glinka (Dr. Lisa), psychologist Larisa Pyzhyanova, and the Dutchwoman Frederika de Graaf, who works in the Moscow hospice.

They are united by a close acquaintance with death: they helped or help people who are dying, staying with them until the last moments, and found the strength to generalize this poignant experience. Whether to believe in the afterlife and the immortality of the soul is a personal matter for everyone. The book is not about that, though. And that death is inevitable. But her fear can be overcome, just as grief from the loss of loved ones can be overcome. As paradoxical as it sounds, «From Death to Life» fits right in with the «how to succeed» manuals. With the tangible difference that the recommendations of the authors involve mental work, much more serious and deep than following the step-by-step instructions of coaches.

Dar, 384 p.

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