Како избећи да постанете жртвом пост-новогодишње депресије

The lights on the trees are lit, gifts are given and received, toasts are said, Olivier is eaten … And often after that, 23 people fall into the so-called post-New Year depression.

The number of depressions and suicides that occur after the holidays exceeds all conceivable norms. Indeed, at this time, the body is working in an abnormal mode, as a rule, this is alcohol abuse, malnutrition, and daily routine. In general, there is nothing more harmful to a person than a violation of the usual way of life, this leads to very severe stress, it is not for nothing that the most severe neuroses are treated with a strict daily routine. 

There are many reasons for the post-New Year depression. There is also seasonal emotional disorder caused by a lack of daylight hours and vitamins. Here and the accumulated emotional fatigue, a lack of close ties. Here and understanding that the holidays are over, and the miracle has not happened. How not to fall into the post-New Year depression?

Try to get into the regime as soon as possible, into your usual rhythm of life. First of all, you need to establish digestion, if it is disturbed, with the help of enzyme agents, cleanse the intestines from toxins, if necessary, and help the liver recover after hard New Year’s work. Drink smoothies, do a light detox, and include metabolic foods in your diet. 


The next day off should be devoted to yourself and only yourself, to get a good night’s sleep and spend the day the way you want. Allow yourself at least one weekend to relax the way your soul requires, not circumstances, duty or family members.

If you are still covered with a wave of spleen, try to refocus your attention on people who are worse than yours. Pay attention to those who need it, make a stranger happy with a surprise, provide all possible help to parents. The main thing is not to dwell on negative feelings, look for ways to express yourself, learn something new and intriguing.

And, probably, the most effective way to get rid of the blues is to set new goals, make new desires. This will return your faith in a fairy tale, in yourself and will inspire you. This can be done using the Wish Card – think about what your wishes you would put on it. 

  • фацебоок 
  • Пинтерест,
  • У контакту са

And, of course, cooking is a great distraction. But only not when you cook to feed your family, but when you enjoy the process itself, from a new recipe, or decide to pamper yourself with something new, to experience a hitherto untested culinary technique. Put on some nice music and let the art of cooking spill over your tired nerves as a balm.

Alternatively, visit a culinary master class. And although you will have to get out of your favorite pajamas, new knowledge and new successes of your own will positively affect your well-being. 

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